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Erwin Lee “Sugar” Crain Sr.

Sugar is a Modoc and Yahooskin Band of Snake, and Klamath Native American Indian Decent. He is from a small town in Oregon called Beatty. He was born in Klamath Falls in 1961. His book was written for his four sons and his mom, Frances Marie (Rennie) Brown, Crain.

Sugar’s collection of poems took him almost seven years to put together. It is easy to write but very difficult to actually finish a book and have it published. Sugar hopes and prays that many will take his book to heart and “feel his words in a good way”. His desire is for all those who read it to have God’s blessings upon them. Here at Two Rivers Art Gallery and Gift Shop we encourage many forms of art and authoring books is on our list. We have quite a few books from local people for sale at the Gallery. Visit our Gallery and check out what Sugar has written for your enjoyment. The poems are obviously from his heart, is encouraging to all who read them and brings a hope we all need.

Erwin Lee “Sugar” Crain Sr
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